Facebook Trends That Are Destroying Teeth

Facebook Trends That Are Destroying Teeth

I can not tell you how many times patients get finished with the treatment and want to whiten their smile. We get questions all the time about the latest crazes that are finding their way onto facebook about “cheap” and “whiten at home” options. While they are effective at whitening teeth, they are actually doing more harm than good. Let’s take a look at a few:

  1. Use of lemon juice or other natural acids to whiten teeth. Acid erodes the enamel. Enamel is the hard, outer surface layer of your teeth that is protects against tooth decay. Enamel is actually considered the hardest mineral substance in your body! With acids eroding the enamel away, people become a lot more susceptible to cavities and other damage.
  2. Although activated charcoal is great for absorbing toxins in many situations, when it comes to your teeth, it is very abrasive and can scratch your enamel, weakening the protective layer. Long term use can actually cause yellowing and staining of the teeth, which is the opposite outcome that is desired.

These trends can cause permanent damage requiring costly fillings, crowns and even veneers to correct the appearance of teeth. Once enamel is lost, it is lost forever; it does not regrow. Exposed dentin, the part of the tooth under the white enamel, not only appears yellow or brown, when exposed it can cause painfully sensitive teeth. If you want to whiten your teeth,regardless of whether you have undergone orthodontic treatment, talk to Dr. Hough. Dr. Hough offers safe, effective whitening options at the office.